In the busy world people are seen making short prayers in the time of trouble or during any unwanted situation but the family who want to stay happy forever should eat together and pray together, not occasionally but daily. Family prayers are uncommon scenario but even the mythological epic says that, “Family prayers are heard faster than any other one.” Family prayers are powerful prayers and helps in overcoming the most difficult time of one’s life. Troubles are inseparable part of life and cannot be avoided but the power of prayers gives you an opportunity to withstand them in any scenario. Daily prayers help in having a positive environment too! No here I am not trying to convince you to opt for praying but it is a small attempt to inform you what exactly you are losing by avoiding daily prayers and yes the most important the power of prayer!
Often the foundation of powerful prayers shook by seeing the evil people happy and good people sad, and a normal question arise in our brain why to make daily prayers? Have we stopped taking attempt after failing in something once, I guess no! It is also an exam conducted by god the check the power of prayer made by you! If you succeed in continuing your daily prayers no matter what you go through, you are bound to withstand after any obstacles.
- Trend of Nuclear family which too is getting smaller today!
- Why family prayers have become an unusual event in a family?
- Am I the right person to be labeled as the right person who prays regularly?
- Lot said about prayer- but what are these prayers?
- Common confusion related to the power of prayer!
- Importance of family prayer
- So there is any rigid format to follow while making family prayer?
- Why there is a need to pray?
- Things to remember while making prayers for family
Trend of Nuclear family which too is getting smaller today!
Today we are living in a world where people like to maintain their privacy even at the stake of relationship and expecting daily family prayers together by avoiding their attention from gadgets, which have become fourth necessity of life, like cell phones, television etc is a tough job. They forget that by avoiding these short prayers together they have ruined the unity of their family.
Why family prayers have become an unusual event in a family?
Modernization has completely digested the tradition of all culture and parents feel much prouder if they tend to see their children talking about gadgets rather than involving into any religious discussion. We often blames god if anything wrong happens to us or to our beloved ones but it is we who fails to explain the power of prayer to them.
If one looks forward to the Almighty to help them than every day the prayer of family should reach to his ears. God is everywhere and it is only the power of prayer that allows us to feel it.
Today world notices murder, rape, burglary, violence etc everywhere and even the bonding of blood relations are nowhere to seen. Why all this is happening? Who is behind all this? The question always ends up with various conclusions but the true reason behind it is the lack of the power of pray.
Family prayers develop the foundation of trust, caring and bring them together to Almighty and this brings unity not only to household but unity to entire nation. The power of prayer is too strong but we all are failing to understand the significance of prayers for family and are avoiding them to extreme.
“Jesus loves all their children but they have to show this love by powerful prayers that they made to him by commencing regular family prayers. A family prayer is so powerful that it brings in notice the minute attempt of man to Lord Jesus. Family prayers can resolve biggest issues and end up in developing harmony all around.”- Anonymous.
Am I the right person to be labeled as the right person who prays regularly?
I have a mixed answer to this question. When I was a kid, the sight of going a church just reminds me of the balloon seller and the candy seller who used to stand outside the church gate. The power of prayer was not at all known to me. Everytime I used to wait for prayers to end to reach my destination- Balloon seller, candy seller etc. Slowly when I grew up I realized the effect of powerful prayers, what I did was out of innocence but in my youth I understood the effect of the power of prayers which resulted in regular family prayers.
My perception regarding prayers changed completely and slowly I realized the power of prayers leads to direct contact with god. I ended up in developing a heart to heart contact with him after learning the power of prayers.
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Lot said about prayer- but what are these prayers?
Does prayer follows any fixed set of rules, methods or any permanent way? The answer is a complete – NO! Prayers are just a way in which one strengthens his bonding with that ultimate power by worshipping, seeking his love, communicating and believing that he is standing just with him and listens him in all the way.
An ultimate faith is developed through the power of prayer that he is going to respond in the best way- may be not what we desire but he knows what is best for us and he is going to do that due to our powerful prayers. If one wants to rendezvous with the power of prayer than it should be done with pure heart, or the one that is full of innocence like kid. Family prayers or any prayer for family should be followed by a true heart and not by hundred false promises!
Commonly people expects a sudden fulfillment after making family prayers or any kind of prayer but one should remember it is not any kind of magic and god is your lord to whom you cannot order. You have requested him by the power of prayer and he will listen to you may be not today but tomorrow! If one wants the fulfillment of instant wishes than looking for a genie will be a better idea than family prayers.
The power of prayer gives you strength to overcome suffering and in no regard it provided any promise that you will not have one. Powerful prayers are the best healer but cannot stop you to have suffering.
A family prayer or any prayer is done for your own beneficiary and not for making any favor to god so remember to be humble. The prayer for family or any prayers are not placed to make any kind of demands. Often in the show off world people try to show off in everything but while making a family prayer one should remember you are trying to communicate to Almighty and hence it has nothing to pretend.
Importance of family prayer
A prayer for family is as essential as other compulsory necessities of life. The family prayer leads to careful handling of your family. Powerful prayers open the path to reach the almighty. The power of prayer aid one to deal the various issues of life.
A family prayer shows the unity and caring of one family member towards another and spread the message that if through family prayer one can pray for other family member than the power of prayer can reach to all. It also dictates that try to be one who does prayer for family as these powerful prayers helps you to build direct relationship with god.
A prayer for family or for whole nation or humanity has the unbelievable powers if done with pure heart.
So there is any rigid format to follow while making family prayer?
As said earlier that while one makes prayer for family need not require to follow any format. A family prayer could be done in any ways. One can do it when he is with his better half and children or even with their pal or loved ones. A prayer for family is not dependent on any particular place or people, the only thing you need to have is pure indication.
A family prayer not only provides peace in your family but also surrounds you with protection and belongingness. Our heavenly father hears the powerful prayers with great pace than any other offers. One can do prayer for family even when they are involve in any kind of game, remember god is happy only with the thought that you remembers him so try to remember him all the time through family prayer.
One can say that these powerful prayers are based on give and take policy where you offer prayer for family and in return our heavenly father shower blessings. Family prayer can be conducted alone or prayers for family can be done among group. You can sang these powerful prayers, speak them or murmur them inside your heart.
To understand the power of prayer you need to build a connection with god through meditation. Diverse family practice diverse family prayer but if the power of prayer is privilege and possess a complete commitment from god, children and the parents than the prayers for family is said to be completed.
Why there is a need to pray?
Powerful prayers are often placed to seek for strength, peace, enlightenment, contentment, happiness etc. Prayers for family are made to provide you peace when you are distressed. A powerful prayer aids us to give ourselves completely to god.
The power of prayer gives us strength to leave ourselves completely on god by making regular prayers for family.
Family stays with us forever whereas all other relations come and go. In order to show our priority the power of prayer in the form of family prayer plays the major role. For those who had not realized it or practiced it till now may find it weird but once you start family prayer consistently than the power of prayer will be known to you.
Try to practice prayer for family everyday together either by kneeling or sitting together to gather the power of prayer. Through prayers of family you can educate your child the power of prayer and turn your home into a spiritual place. We often ends up in offering prayers for family members when they leave house or when we realize that any of our loved ones is in trouble, silently we leave everything to the power of prayer.
The prayers for family should include the thanksgiving part that says thanks for everything they had through the power of prayers by making prayers for family. Holding hands and uttering thanks while making prayers for family is one of the best ways to thank god!
Things to remember while making prayers for family
To learn the complete effect of the power of prayer, you shook pray regularly. If you can manage to maintain some fixed time for making prayers for family then it could be the best way or else maintaining the regularity helps you to understand the power of prayer. Prayers for family should always be made in presence of children so that they learn from you.
It will be a sort cut to teach them the power of prayer without investing any extra second. It is believed that if a couple offers prayers for family together then the children born to them are healthy and intelligent. Leave everything on the power of prayer and then see how the positive revolution occurs around you and your loved once after making prayers for family.
When you make prayers for family remember you are building a protective shield around them and the power of prayer withstand all troubles that may arouse now and then. The power of prayer makes you stronger than those who don’t practice them.
Others realize the love that you have for them when you prayer for family. Ultimately the power of prayers strengthens relationships. Usage of creating forms while making prayers for family makes it interesting and charming.
Prayers and the power of prayer are beyond any description or explanation. On e ca only feel the effect if one practices it regularly and if while making prayers for family possess a pure heart. Practice prayer to the extent that you will just have to close your eyes to reach god and where words lose their importance.