In my older post I showed you how you can hide or show widgets on Specific pages in blogger. In today’s article I gonna explain how to hide or show widgets on specific pages of WordPress blog. If you are adsense publisher then you should be knowledgeable about ads placement, adsense allows us to place only 3 media ads on each page. So, what will you can do when you placed 2 media ads on sidebar and one media ads on header on homepage of your blog, and you want to hide any one slot on post page and want to place ads on after title or end of post. So, in this situation you have the great option to do it easily using a plugin called Display Widgets. This is not for only AdSense users, it was just an example, there is many reason to use this plugin on your blog but where and why that you should be know.
This plugin will show automatically to each widget and you can easily control the widgets to hide or show it on every site page. Kindly look at the snapshot below for example :
Now, you are knowledgeable on how it works and how to do but all you have to do to get this functionality is install and activate Display Widgets Plugin[Link]. then go to Widget menu and how the option panel for the widget you would like to hide or show on specific pages.