Wikipedia covers almost all content on education. Whenever we search for anything in Google, related to our study, knowing famous personality and whatever we want on any social topic; Wikipedia pops up in search results and we really get satisfied through the content that Wikipedia provide us. So Writing content for Wikipedia is not an easier task, you must follow some guidelines along with you must be good in English Grammar. Today I’ll share some hot tips to write content for Wikipedia so that you can get exposure and increase in domain authority (if you use your URL smartly) too. You should also keep one thing in your mind that all the contents are contributed by common users of Wikipedia, as we are; also anyone can edit any content appropriately. Before discussing domain of the topic, we’ll go through basic information about Wikipedia, perhaps you know about.
Wikipedia – A Short Look
Wikipedia is the world’s largest encyclopedia site that attracts more than 470 million unique visitors (users). It is founded by Wikimedia Foundation in 2001 with few true Internet Volunteers as passionate writers and now it has more than 77,000 real time contributors with more than 220k articles published over there in 285 languages. It’s a huge place for those people who have real passion about writing and can contribute without any cost. Wikipedia generally comes under category of Web 2.0 sites.
If you are passionate writer and don’t have any idea about creating article for Wikipedia. Just give me 10 minutes, I’ll help you to full fill dream of writing article for famous site, Wikipedia.
Now check for everything, like Seat belt, concentration, activeness and whatever it requires, because in next 10 minutes you are going to become Wikipedia expert and you’ll really feel it that you are from Zero to Hero. I think we should start our journey on writing content for Wikipedia.
Are you ready?
Let’s Begin! :D
Steps to write article for Wikipedia:
Step-1:Prior Check
It is necessary to check some prior settings that you must follow before creating content for Wikipedia. Prior check may include your Wikipedia account status, your selected topic, etc.
If you don’t have account on Wikipedia then firstly creates an account over there. At the top left, you get ‘Create Account’. Go through that and create an account on Wikipedia. If you already have an account then doesn’t create another, just login with your old account.
Now select your desired topic on which you want to contribute. If your topic is very famous then most probably article will be already published there, so think about another topic. It is better to check topic, which exists or not, by typing keyword of your topic in top left corner search box.
Step-2: Self-Motivation
If no article exists for your topic via search, then you can create content on that topic. Before creating content for Wikipedia, Motivate yourself and judge on the basic of following points:
- Content should be high quality and subject should be good for an encyclopedia site
- Take reference from other sources (books or other websites to verify your content
- Content must be convenient to read
- Well-structured with no spelling mistakes and grammatical error
Step-3: Content Creation
When you create account or login with your existing account then it’ll land to your profile. Now click on first option -Start the user [your user name] page. Now new blank working area will open. Now write content in suitable length without any spelling mistake and grammatical error. It should be good in reading. After typing content, click on save.
If you are satisfied with the content then consider it for nominating by removing your user name (not your account) from there so that article’s title can get visibility.
Points should be Consider
- You must follow guide lines of Wikiformatting
- Care should be taken for automatic WikiNumbering
- Don’t create content about yourself, your teacher and your friends
- Don’t write on Non-Notable topics
- Don’t promote your products or services through content
- Do not attack on any person through your content