The universe is everything, from the finest particles to the most massive galaxies to the very existence of space, life and time. It is quite simple to understand that the origin of the universe is the origin of everything. Science has been able to discover many facts about the universe, but there are still certain things that remain unanswered.
If you are a keen individual, you would have surely thought about how our universe was created. How do we exist? Is our existence even real? In spite of the numerous great disclosures people have made about the universe, researchers are yet uncertain about the creation of the universe and have been coming up with multiple new hypotheses concerned with the introduction of the universe. No one can for sure say anything about its creation.
There are numerous theories on this topic. We have picked out the top 3 theories to discuss them in detail.
1) Everything is a creation of god
The answer to the question ‘Who made the universe?’, in the mythical form is to express, “God did it”. The conviction that “everything must happen for a reason, this way God exists” is known as a First Cause contention. However, that only raises more questions on this topic: (1) For what reason did God make the Universe? Also, (2) For what purpose does God exist? (3) How did God create the universe? (4) Who actually is God? These are specific questions for which no one has the answer. It even makes you question your existence. Are you sure the world you are living in is real? Moreover, what is even real? To say that God creates everything might be tough to accept by some. According to every person, there is a different definition of God, and there is no concrete proof that there is something like it.
It isn’t sufficient to state that “God exists” as the clarification concerning why the universe exists. On the off chance that God made the universe, for what reason did it do as such? God more likely than not had contemplations- an original drive- to make the space-time continuum. God could undoubtedly live forever without making the universe. So, saying that God illuminates the presence of the universe isn’t the entire story.
Where faith and science disagree
Faith and science are two different things. People have different beliefs and approaches when it comes to God. We do not say that you should not believe in God, but it is quite illogical if you say that it created the universe. You cannot have an escape to every answer by saying it is done by it. As there is no scientific background to the theory of God and its existence, you might want to question the common mythological conception of creation.
What is the actual logic behind it? Is there any scientific fact to back up the information? You should ask yourself these question before considering that everything is a creation of God. And when you are satisfied enough with the answers, maybe then you could believe in the existence of supreme power and its creation of the universe.
However, until then let’s dig in a little more into the theories.
2) Everything began through the commencement of Big Bang
The Big Bang hypothesis is the most generally acknowledged clarification of how the universe was framed. On the off chance that we begin at present and return into the past, the universe is contracting, getting littler and littler. What is the final product of a contracting universe? As indicated by the Big Bang hypothesis, the universe started about 13.7 billion years prior. Everything that is currently known to humankind was crushed into a little volume. A huge blast, an enormous detonation, made the universe begin expanding quickly. All the issue and vitality are known to humankind, and even space itself left this blast. What preceded the Big Bang? There is no chance to get for researchers to tell since there is no residual proof.
Theory of how things came to be has been fascinating. The method of the universe’s origin was fundamentally an endeavour made by stargazers to clarify how our world appeared. So what does the word universe talk about? Universe incorporates everything without exception, that we call matter. It comprises the sun, moon, worlds, stars, iotas, atoms and so forth. An examination says there are around 100 billion cosmic systems known to man. Be that as it may, shockingly the universe comprises just about 10% of the matter and 90% of dark space. The dark space is said to be the mass that does not produce any radiations.
So how did this become a reality?
The universe was as an exact moment molecule with a distance across of a couple of millimetres and was unusually hot and thick. Some state that this molecule was hot to the point that it detonated at one point of time, clearing a route for the formation of the universe while others trust that there wasn’t any ‘blast’. The truth of the matter is that there has happened an extension and is said to occur even today.
The stars are thought to have been brought into the world a couple of hundred million years after the massive explosion. A huge gathering of stars, gases and residue is a world. There are around billions of systems known to man. Our earth is in the system called Milky Way.
In the year 1963, two American researchers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson found that microwave radiations tumble to earth from the space. These radiations affirm the theory of how things came to be as the light goes at a limited speed and takes a parcel of years to achieve the earth. The radiation was observed to be discharged 13.7 billion years prior. Along with this, by studying the point by point physical properties of the radiation, we can find out about conditions known to humankind on large scales at early occasions, since the radiation we see today has gone over such a huge separation. Consistently the universe is said to grow by billions of miles every single day. So what might be the destiny of the universe is the thing that the space experts are taking a shot at?
3) Everything is Illusion. There is no reality
For what reason do we consider life so important? Have you ever stop and wondered that the life that you are living might not be even real? It may be as similar to entering the world of dreams. Have you at any point thought that our existence could be a fantasy?
When I woke up this morning, I had an unusual feeling. A feeling that, what if life is just a fairy tale? Sleep is something that can be quite scary. It takes you to dreams. Dreams are an unusual place. They can show you anything, related to you or not. What if life is just a dream? We might be just living in our subconscious mind. Reality may be only at the end be just an illusion, and the truth is far from our imagination. An illusion is a false strong belief. The colour you see are just illusions, and the feeling of love is just the play of some chemicals. Let’s face it we all have to die one day, we are a part of a cycle. One day all our memories will be washed away. How is that universe is designed this way? Is it really necessary for a person to die? Or is it just the part of the game, called life? Everything is pointing towards the fact that reality is somewhere hidden. Who knows now what is real and what is not?
So many theories, which one to go for?
We, humans, have the tendency to believe anything if we don’t have answers for something, don’t we? Same is the case with the origin of the universe. For a long time, people believed (and still some do) that the universe is created by God. He is a person or power- no one knows. We believe that He has created the universe but we don’t know why and how. It is an easy escape for people to just say God did it. The fact is that we have not yet truly discovered how it happened.
Science is beautiful in its design and it demands proof. If we just accept the fact that life is just an illusion, it would be meaningless. Life is something that has been going on and on from years. To call it a lie with be rather shameful. Life is amazing and is breathtaking in its beauty. It could also be true that Big Bang theory is all just a lie, theories may be proved wrong in the future. So what should we do now? Maybe by the time, we discover these things it would be too late. What we can do now is to enjoy life. We should truly value what we have now. Earth is a wonderful place. It is a beautiful blend of living organisms. To believe in God is not to just believe in statues, God resides inside each and every one. We should not play with the forces of nature and respect it.
Nature is what has made us and it is what surrounds us. So what should it be? Which is the perfect theory for the origin of the universe? Well, we have expressed our views and now it is for you to decide.
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