Most of you have asked this question over and over again, whether it possible to logout of WhatsApp messenger in Android or not. WhatsApp is probably the most used messenger all over the world. It was earlier an independent app but Facebook has possession of it now. All of us have been using WhatsApp for quite some time now. It also has a constant privacy threat because there is no way to keep your WhatsApp conversations private and therefore you always feel paranoid when someone borrows your phone or merely check it out.
To your surprise, we now have the solution to this problem. This article will clear your doubts and will tell you whether logging out of WhatsApp is possible or not.
Is it Possible to Logout of WhatsApp in Android?
The answer is NO! WhatsApp messenger does not provide any feature for logging out which is one of its most critical drawbacks. Therefore you can now be sure of it that there is no way possible to log out of WhatsApp no matter who tells you otherwise.
Although you cannot log out of WhatsApp but you can deactivate it by deleting your account or uninstalling the app. Therefore is situation arises where you have to temporarily give your phone to your siblings or parents, you can simply uninstall your WhatsApp account. This way you will be able to keep your conversations private.
You can also force stop WhatsApp messenger from the application manager (Android phones specifically). To force stop this application, Navigate to Settings > Application Manager and check all the Running or All tabs, click on WhatsApp and then click on Force Stop. This will shut down WhatsApp temporarily. Restarting it is also simple and all you need to do is tap on the WhatsApp icon in menu and it will start functioning again.
How to Keep WhatsApp Messages Secure?
To be clear about it once again, there is absolutely no way to logout of WhatsApp messenger. But there are other ways to keep your WhatsApp secure. WhatsApp can be locked with pincode or pattern just like your lock screen. Therefore you will be able to keep your messages and chats private and won’t have to deactivate your WhatsApp account either. Another way to do it is by using an external Android app available on Google Play.
You will find various applications on Google Play Store that allow you to lock various messengers like WhatsApp, Facebook, Hike, etc. by pin or pattern.Other than this, there are many App locking Android apps available on Google Play. But external Android app is the best app for the purpose of locking your messenger and keeping it safe and confidential and it is easily available on Play Store as well.
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To conclude this post I would say that even if it is not possible to log out of WhatsApp you can still restrict people from prying into your conversations by putting the application lock.