WhatsApp has made texting and sharing of videos and images a cakewalk. The innovations have made this application better to use. The option of story updates was also included in the last couple of years. However, the content uploaded through story updates isn’t easy to save to your phone’s gallery.
The chances are that your friend or any family member has uploaded a meme or a quote that you want to save and forward to your other friends. But, you’re unable to download it straight away from WhatsApp. However, now it’s possible because of technology as it’s too simple to do. Jotted down below are the methods that might assist you in saving the content uploaded by people.
Is it okay to download somebody else’s WhatsApp status or not?
Often, people like photos, videos, quotations and many more uploaded by their friends and family members over their WhatsApp status. However, they’re hesitant to message and ask them for sending it to them personally. To solve this problem, a few ways will be discussed in the latter portion of this article. Yet, the question arises, is it justified to save somebody’s personal content in your phone’s gallery?
The simple and obvious answer to this question is that it completely depends upon the purpose and a person’s intention. If you’re involved in the content uploaded, let it be a video or a picture, then it’s obvious for you to download it. If your intention is clear and you don’t want to store it to cause harm, then it’s absolutely normal. Never save somebody’s personal pictures or videos to hurt them in any possible manner as it’s against the law and also against humanity.
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Ways to download the status
A number of techniques are now made available in the market to download anybody’s status from WhatsApp. Let’s discuss them so that you can make use of them effectively.
The foremost method of downloading the status can be by using the file manager. Every device has one installed as default. However, if you are using a specific device that doesn’t have a file manager, you can download any such application from Play Store conveniently. This will serve the same purpose and will help you in storing the status.
When you view somebody’s story status on WhatsApp, it gets stored in your device’s memory for the next 24 hours. However, then storage is temporary so, in order to save this, you ought to follow certain instructions. So, open the file manager and hunt for the main storage as that is the place where your data is stored. Next, enable the “show hidden files” options by clicking upon the three dots. Now visit the WhatsApp folder, and you’ll easily find status in the subfolder of media. And now just restore it, and you’re all done.
2. Make use of an Android application
Play store is loaded with multiple various applications that serve different technical purposes. You have entertainment apps, infotainment, games, etc. Similarly, many apps assist in downloading WhatsApp status videos and pictures efficiently in no time. All that you now need to do is simply download an application of your choice, i.e. according to your device’s memory and remaining space.
After you’ve downloaded the application, next permit the app to have access to your gallery, media, pictures, etc. That’s only when you’ll be able to make use of the downloaded app. Later, review the story on WhatsApp, and the application will record the data in chronological order. Open the app and view the content and select the pictures and videos that you wish to save in your gallery. Click on the save option, and it’s done. It’s that simple.
3. Screen Recording and screenshots
Screenshots have helped mobile users in many ways since the time it’s added as a new feature in Android devices. Screenshots capture the actual situation over the mobile’s screen. Therefore, you can conveniently make use of it to store the pictures that you like in someone’s WhatsApp status. It’s not just hassle-free but also saves time. Similarly, the feature of screen recording is introduced in mobile phones in recent years. However, it has gained popularity as it can record the video of the entire situation happening over the phone.
Thus, make use of it to record the videos uploaded as a status to share them with other peers. This method is very simple as you can make use of it in recording, not just the WhatsApp statuses but also any other picture that you like on any other social media platforms.
3. Downloading WhatsApp status on your iPhone
Android phone users have a number of options to choose from when it comes to downloading status videos and pictures. On the contrary, Apple phone users have only a single option, and that is taking screenshots and capturing screen recordings. However, both ways are effective and can be done very easily. Therefore, all the iPhone users can use this feature if they wish to somebody’s WhatsApp status video or picture.
Mentioned above are all the tips that you can use while storing WhatsApp status either in your Android or iPhone device. However, always remember to save only the relevant stuff and never use it against somebody for any unfair means.
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