We all have at some point of our lives witnessed someone swearing at someone else. We also could have been in a situation where a person is swearing at us. This is something that we cannot control, neither can we avoid: we always know a person who has this filthy habit of cussing. However, we can choose how we react in such a situation so that it does not become worse than it already is.
This article helps you to figure out ways in which you can stop a person swearing at you. Discussed below are a few things that you can do to calm the situation down. So, without wasting any more time, let’s get straight to the points.
Understand why the person is swearing at you.
It is generally unlikely for a person to swear at you or anybody without any reason. So, before you jump to a conclusion, you might want to consider the circumstances that are making the person swear. This not only gives you a clearer picture of what the situation is but also gives you a reason to stay calm. When you know both sides of the story, you will be able to understand and empathise with the person instead of getting angry with them.
Do not respond the same way as the person.
When a person is swearing at you, it is obvious that this person is probably angry or upset with you. You responding in the same way as this person will do you no help but will only make things go worse.
Remember, replying in the same way as the person swearing at you puts you in the same position as him. This is definitely not something to be proud of. You’re now at fault as much as this person and if the situation goes downhill, you are as much responsible as him.
So, before you speak anything in such a situation, remember to not say anything rude.
Do not lose your temper.
No matter how bad the situation gets, you cannot afford to lose your temper. Losing your temper will only make the situation worse because the argument will now be two way. You losing your temper will only fuel the worsening of things. It will also take a toll on your mental health. Getting angry or frustrated causes you tension or angst and might harm your peace of mind.
So, while you’re dealing with someone who’s swearing at you, you should keep your calm at all points in the conversation. Even if you’re on the edge if it, make an exit but never give up on your peace.
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In the case of children:
Children can be very vulnerable when things like swearing are talked about. They pick up new things very quickly without knowing what it means and the consequences of saying those words. Thus, it becomes difficult when you have to deal with a child who’s swearing. You clearly can see that the child has not yet understood the meaning of the word well and finds it fun because maybe his friends or somebody at home uses it too.
You need to be extra careful when it comes to kids using cuss words.
Find out where learnt the cuss words from
There’s no way in hell where it is okay for a child to speak cuss words irrespective of what the matter might be. The first step to stopping a child from swearing is by sorting out the person or the people that he’s been learning these from. You need to be calm in this situation because shouting on or scolding your child at this point might just be the worst thing to do.
Be composed and ask your child politely where he learnt the words from. Let this person know about your concerns about your child and ask him to stay away in case he does not seem to realise his mistake.
Explain it to your kid that swearing is not a fun thing to do.
Now comes the most important part of the discussion. If it is a child who’s swearing, you need to be all the way more careful about the way you handle the things with him. Children are tender and tend to imitate the words and ways of conversation or even other habits from their surroundings without judging the goodness of it.
Make sure that you let the child know that swearing is not a fun thing to do. It is not a value or a factor that will make them look good in front of others. Tell them that these things might hurt someone’s feelings and that is not something your child would like.
Do not forget that in the whole process of finding out who your child is learning the cuss words from and telling your child that to swear is a bad habit, you need to be as calm and polite as possible.
Explain to your kid the alternate ways of swearing.
You can teach your kid about ways that he can deal with the situations where he has an extreme outrage. You never know what the child might be going through but swearing is definitely not the right approach whatever situation be it. Explain to your child alternative ways that he can take instead of using cuss words. Like, if he is in a situation where he is encountered with a baseless argument: tell him that he could raise his voice or put forth the logical solution to the problem. That would give the other person no more options other than stopping. Hence, putting an end to the chaos.
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All in all, we can say that one needs to be composed if not calm and avoid airing the matter if someone is swearing. Losing one’s calm is the worst thing to do in a situation like this because that could lead to unavoidable physical fights which might end up in something bigger and worse than what was being anticipated.